Friday 31 March 2017

Don’t be surprised because you are different from others. Every unique skill and talent has the potential to make you a superstar. Enhance your personality and unchain your inner strength. Don’t forget the one thing that all successful people have in common is that they were different than everyone around them.
Every problem might not have a solution right now, but don’t forget that every solution was once problem. It is true that experience is one of life’s best teachers. But if you don’t study you will probably never get any experience in the first place. In real life, there is no such thing as second place either you are a winner, or you’re not.
You might have hundreds of likes on Facebook, but that won’t pay your bills. You might have tens of retweets on twitter every day that’s not going to pay your mortage. You might have heaps of unread messages on whatsApp but that’s not going to fulfill your career dreams. You might have dozens of likes on Instagram that’s not going to pay for your life. All this would be possible with the hard work in your life and get working today.