Thursday, 14 December 2017

Importance of Discipline in Student life

Discipline in school life is very important for students. We can’t be well educated without discipline. Without learning and the following discipline in school life can cost students later in their career. In school education, discipline is a set of rules & regulations that remind us of the proper code of behavior. Discipline is ever more important during school life. But discipline is not only important for school students it’s for everyone. Discipline is self-improvement practice. It is what helps us all to achieve our goals in life.
See a successful business owner, a popular leader and you will find that are well disciplined. Disciplined founders and leaders have higher business intelligence and strong analytical skills, because they practiced their business growth strategies consistently and with focus.
For example, you have goals and dreams. You want to achieve them, and most of the time people got 50% success. But discipline aligns us to keep going, keep working, and keep dreaming until it is not 100%. That’s the way of success.
And that’s why I think implementations of discipline in students mind help them to achieve their goals and dreams later in the life. But let’s learn about the importance of discipline in student’s life in details with example.
In school life, students have a tender mind that does not know what is right or wrong. Students need constant guidance and supervision from his teachers otherwise; he can go towards the wrong path.

Using an analogy to explain this, we can say that a school is like a canal that a farmer builds for irrigating his fields. There is a purpose behind building a canal.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017


This blog post shall talk about a few magic mantras which 1) normally people do not know about Interviews and 2) which if prepared well about; can help you crack every interview that you sit for. 90% of the times the first question will be “Introduce Yourself” or “Tell me something about you”? There is a reason for this.

Whatever might happen; the candidate will end up saying something in the answer to this question. When he says that ‘whatever something’ he will feel   1) comfortably arrived & 2) belonging to that situation and 3) a sense of adequacy shall have happened. This means that you will become comfortable after speaking those first few lines. This is what the interviewer wants. He wants to meet the comfortable you. Your best would not show up; unless you are comfortable. He wishes to meet the best in you. The reason, why 90% of the times this becomes the first question.

This question is your best (could be the last) chance to sell yourself. It is like your free hit in a cricket match- you will not get out; however — you get a chance to score any many runs of your volition.


How do you best prepare for INTERVIEW?

Three Things:-


·        Understand that an ‘Interview’ is a sales process. You are your salesman. Ask yourself — ‘How do you sell anything?’ You sell something — by talking about its positives.


·        You should remain committed to the things that you choose to happily do / pursue? Because, if you have not remained committed here — how will you remain committed to something that may not be of your liking e.g. the work areas in your job that you are applying to or the subjects in the B-School ; which you may not like.


·        You need to look sharp; not cute.

Creative ideas

Enablers are activities and actions that assist with, rather than directly provoke, idea generation. They create a positive atmosphere. Some of the enablers that can help you get your creative juices flowing are:

  • Belief in yourself:
Believe that you are creative, believe that ideas will come to you; positive reinforcement helps you perform better.

  • Creative loafing time:
Nap, go for a walk, listen to music, play with your child, and take a break from formal idea-generating. Your mind needs the rest, and will often come up with connections precisely when it isn't trying to make them.

  • Change of environment:
Sometimes changing the setting changes your thought process. Go to a nearby coffee shop instead of the conference room in your office, or hold your discussion while walking together round a local park.

  • Shutting out distractions:
Keep your thinking space both literally and mentally clutter-free. Shut off the Blackberry, close the door, divert your phone calls and then think.

  • Fun and humor:
These are essential ingredients, especially in team settings.

Thursday, 27 April 2017


Poor financial health may lead to poor mental health. Much more important is logical inverse: that taking active steps to ensure our financial health is very likely to pay positive dividends on our mental health as well.
If you are worried about money, you are not alone. It’s a very common worry. Financial stress can affect your relationships and your health, so it’s very important to seek help and support as early as possible. Lots of situations can cause financial stress. You might have lost your job or been retrenched, you might be unemployed or unable to find sufficient work, you might have debts you cannot pay or you might feel worried about expected financial pressures.
 Some signs that financial stress is affecting your health and relationships include arguing with the people closest to you about money, difficulty sleeping, feeling angry or fearful, mood swings, tiredness, muscle pain, loss of appetite, lower sex drive and withdrawing from others. While these are normal reactions, they can affect your health if they continue for more than a few weeks. You could be at risk of developing anxiety or depression. Some people use drugs or alcohol to help them cope. Some have thoughts of self-harm or suicide.
Be realistic and take control of your changed financial situation, here are some tips to help you through this difficult time:
  • Stay on top of your emotions - Write down your worries to help you work out which issues to tackle first.
  • Look after your health - Eat a healthy, balanced diet and exercise regularly. Talk to your doctor if you have a pre-existing medical condition that could be aggravated by stress.
  • Share your feelings with supportive friends and colleagues - Identify people you can talk to about how you are feeling and who will help you remain positive.
  • Be honest with your family - Tell them about the situation and how it might affect the household budget..
  • Draw up a budget - Write down a summary of your finances and work out how much money you need to cover your costs. You may need to limit your spending for a while.
  • Contact your bank - Most financial institutions have policies in place to assist customers experiencing financial problems.
  • Contact a Department of Human Services social worker - They can give you extra support and advice on coping with financial stress.


Life is not always great.

At times it may not feel OK.

When things aren’t going your way then you sometimes get frustrated. That’s natural and OK. So instead of trying to push these emotions away accept and process them.
But also know how to not get stuck in them because then they’ll just suck a lot of energy and time of your precious life.
One thing that helps me to reduce that frustration so I can move forward once again is to stop my thoughts from bouncing around in the past or a possible future by reconnecting with this moment.
“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

How to Deal With Failure as an Ambitious Individual……
Are you ambitious?
Are you a goal getter?
Do you have dreams that you are chasing?
“9 out of 10 people don’t even remember their dreams. They only know the facts and the facts are that escaping the 9-5 treadmill is on everybody’s mind, but only a few are actually taking action. Why is this?
There are possibly a dozen different answers. However, in the same way that all roads lead to Rome, I really believe all answers related to my question have one thing in common: failure. We are all born with a go-getter spirit.
Unfortunately, over time, as you transcend from adolescence to adulthood and from adulthood to parenthood, life knocks some reality into you.

5 Ways to Deal with Failure:

1) Create A Powerful Vision and Mission Statement: Because “Intelligent without mission is like a bird without wings”

2) List All Your Goals: I don’t know what your life goals are. But, I urge you to think them through carefully. If you think it through and write it down, the chances of it getting achieved and avoiding failure is so much higher

3) List All The Benefits Of Your Goals: Setting goals and writing them down is half the victory. The hidden and less spoken about truth is that you WILL (not maybe) come across massive, heart-breaking challenges. The most effective way of dealing with this is to list the benefits of your goals.

4) Surround yourself with Relevant People: so that they will motivate you and will not criticize you on failure.

 5) Consider Your Failure As Temporary: I have mentioned and will repeat it – you WILL fail. But, a slight change of perspective will do you a world of good. Simply treat all your failure as temporary.


Having A Best Friend

A story tells that two friends were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face. The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand; “Today my best friend slapped me in the face.”

They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him. After he recovered from the near drowning, he wrote on a stone;
“Today my best friend saved my life.”

The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him;
“After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now, you write on a stone, why?”

The other friend replied;
“When someone hurts us we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it.”

Moral of the story: 

Don’t value the things that you don’t have in your life. But value what   you have in your life.

Tuesday, 25 April 2017


“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in us.”
                                                                                       William Shakespeare

“Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.”

It is true that optimists or positive thinkers are at an advantage in life compared to pessimists. This is because of the effect of mindset and attitude on the things coming into the life. Our social relationships, our jobs and also our health are an integral part of our daily life and we can feel how negative and positive thoughts can have a prominent effect on everything we do during the day.

Hence the way we choose to think, has a great impact on the outcome and is mirrored in everything we do.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is equivalent to magic”. - Arthur C. Clarke

 Technology is one of the greatest inventions of mankind. It is ever evolving. Technology is a tool invented and modified by humans to make their life easier. Technology has gifted mankind with various boons but look closely and you will realize that technology have blessed mankind with two important aspects- facility of communication and creation of time. Technology has played a very important role in making the world a “Global Village”. Today from needle to airplane we are surrounded with technology.

Technology has helped man take a small step which in time has become a giant leap for mankind.

Technology is important but it is time humans decided where to draw the line. We should remember those gifts which Mother Nature has provided us and master them.

“The Science of today is the Technology of Tomorrow”

Tuesday, 18 April 2017


It is very much true that encouraging thinkers or optimists are at a benefit in life compared to pessimist. This is because of the result your state of mind and attitudes have on the whole thing we come across. Our social affairs, our occupation and also our healthiness are a fundamental part of our daily life and we can feel how unconstructive and constructive thoughts can have a different effect on everything we do during the day. The way we choose to think, productive or unnecessary, has a great collision on the final outcome and is mirrored in everything we do. Consequently the magnitude of having a unbiased outlook on life. Productive and constructive thinking is power for your soul. Whether you are an optimist or a pessimist.
“I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value.”