Thursday, 1 February 2018

5 Powerful Ways to Boost Your Confidence
1.     Stay away from negativity and bring on the positivity
2.       Change your body language and image
3.       Don't accept failure and get rid of the negative voices in your head 
4.      Be prepared:-
Learn everything there is to know about your field, job, presentation--whatever is next on your "to conquer" list. 
5. For tough times, when all else fails: Create a great list
Life is full of challenges and there are times when it's difficult to keep our self-confidence up. Sit down right now and make a list of all the things in your life that you are thankful for, and another list of all the things you are proud of accomplishing. Once your lists are complete, post them on your refrigerator door, on the wall by your desk, on your bathroom mirror--somewhere where you can easily be reminded of what an amazing life you have and what an amazing person you really are. If you feel your self-confidence dwindling, take a look at those lists and let yourself feel and be inspired all over again by you.

You have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.” -- Louise L. Hay

                                           Life on Mars
Among our discoveries about Mars, one stands out above all others: the possible presence of liquid water on Mars, either in its ancient past or preserved in the subsurface today. Water is key because almost everywhere we find water on Earth, we find life. If Mars once had liquid water, or still does today, it's compelling to ask whether any microscopic life forms could have developed on its surface. Is there any evidence of life in the planet's past? If so, could any of these tiny living creatures still exist today? Imagine how exciting it would be to answer, "Yes!!"
Even if Mars is devoid of past or present life, however, there's still much excitement on the horizon. We ourselves might become the "life on Mars" should humans choose to travel there one day. Meanwhile, we still have a lot to learn about this amazing planet and its extreme environments. Since our first close-up picture of Mars in 1965, spacecraft voyages to the Red Planet have revealed a world strangely familiar, yet different enough to challenge our perceptions of what makes a planet work. Every time we feel close to understanding Mars, new discoveries send us straight back to the drawing board to revise existing theories. You'd think Mars would be easier to understand. Like Earth, Mars has polar ice caps and clouds in its atmosphere, seasonal weather patterns, volcanoes, canyons and other recognizable features. However, conditions on Mars vary wildly from what we know on our own planet. Over the past three decades, spacecraft have shown us that Mars is rocky, cold, and dry beneath its hazy, pink sky. We've discovered that today's Martian wasteland hints at a formerly volatile world where volcanoes once raged, meteors plowed deep craters, and flash floods rushed over the land. And Mars continues to throw out new enticements with each landing or orbital pass made by our spacecraft.

                                         Seek Signs of Life on Mars
To discover the possibilities for past or present life on Mars, NASA's Mars Exploration Program is currently following an exploration strategy known as "Seek Signs of Life."
This science theme marks a transition in Mars exploration. It reflects a long-term process of discovery on the red planet, built on strategies to understand Mars' potential as a habitat for past or present microbial life. Searching for this answer means delving into the planet's geologic and climate history to find out how, when and why Mars underwent dramatic changes to become the forbidding, yet promising, planet we observe today.
About 3.8-3.5 billion years ago, Mars and Earth were much more similar. Evidence from Mars missions suggest Mars may have been much warmer and wetter than we observe it to be today. In this ancient timeframe, scientists find the first evidence of microbial life on Earth. Did Mars provide similar environmental conditions for life long ago? If microbes were present on Mars in the planet's ancient past, could it exist in special regions today? And, even if microbial life never existed, might Mars provide a future habitat for human explorers someday in the future?
Because water is key to life as we know it, earlier Mars missions (2001 Mars Odyssey, Mars Exploration Rovers, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, Mars Phoenix Lander) were designed to make discoveries under the previous Mars Exploration Program science theme of "Follow the Water." Progressive discoveries related to evidence of past and present water in the geologic record make it possible to take the next steps toward finding evidence of life itself.
The Mars Science Laboratory mission and its Curiosity rover mark a transition between the themes of "Follow the Water" and "Seek Signs of Life." In addition to landing in a place with past evidence of water, Curiosity is seeking evidence of organics, the chemical building blocks of life. Places with water and the chemistry needed for life potentially provide habitable conditions. Future Mars missions would likely be designed to search for life itself in places identified as potential past or present habitats. Like all Mars Exploration Program missions, future missions will be driven by rigorous scientific questions that continually evolve from discoveries by prior missions. New and previously developed technologies will enable us to explore Mars in ways we never have before, resulting in higher-resolution images, precision landings, longer-ranging surface mobility and even the return of Martian soil and rock samples for studies in laboratories here on Earth.

Monday, 8 January 2018

How to Deal With Failure as an Ambitious Individual……
Are you ambitious?
Are you a goal getter?
Do you have dreams that you are chasing?
“9 out of 10 people don’t even remember their dreams. They only know the facts and the facts are that escaping the 9-5 treadmill is on everybody’s mind, but only a few are actually taking action. Why is this?
There are possibly a dozen different answers. However, in the same way that all roads lead to Rome, I really believe all answers related to my question have one thing in common: failure. We are all born with a go-getter spirit.
Unfortunately, over time, as you transcend from adolescence to adulthood and from adulthood to parenthood, life knocks some reality into you.

5 Ways to Deal with Failure:

1) Create A Powerful Vision and Mission Statement: Because “Intelligent without mission is like a bird without wings”

2) List All Your Goals: I don’t know what your life goals are. But, I urge you to think them through carefully. If you think it through and write it down, the chances of it getting achieved and avoiding failure is so much higher

3) List All The Benefits Of Your Goals: Setting goals and writing them down is half the victory. The hidden and less spoken about truth is that you WILL (not maybe) come across massive, heart-breaking challenges. The most effective way of dealing with this is to list the benefits of your goals.

4) Surround yourself with Relevant People: so that they will motivate you and will not criticize you on failure.

 5) Consider Your Failure As Temporary: I have mentioned and will repeat it – you WILL fail. But, a slight change of perspective will do you a world of good. Simply treat all your failure as temporary.

Thursday, 4 January 2018

Self-defense training (“for women” or “for children” or “for business executives”)

Self defense and self protection are an important priority for women. The most common crime to happen to a woman is rape, but it is more about a feeling of dominance from one person over another rather than actual sex. According to statistics, the majority of rapes are perpetrated by men who women know. Assault on women is also a common crime because assailants assume women will be more passive and not fight back; this has to do with stereotypes of women. The best way for women to fight back against crime is to prevent it from happening by avoiding being alone or being in badly lit areas. However, getting into such situations is sometimes inevitable.

Self defense is important because statistics say that all women are good candidates to become victims of violent crime at any point in their lives. According to statistics, a woman who is only 21 years of age has a 25 percent risk of suffering violent crime in her life. Self defense is more than just okay. When a woman’s safety is in danger, defending herself by fighting back is the most ethical decision she can make.
In general, there are several crimes that women are most at risk of. They are rape, carjacking, purse snatching, stalking, threats, domestic violence, and crimes against children in their protection. With each type of crime, women need to realize that they don’t have to give up and surrender to it or endure it. Up until the last second before the crime actually occurs, women usually still have the power to make decisions that can profoundly affect the outcome.

Prevention relates to women making sure that they limit the situations they find themselves in that can then lead to serious crimes happening against them. Some tips include getting a large dog, avoiding dark areas at night, and making sure to stay within large groups of people when moving. Prevention is commonly the best measure. Still, women have to realize that prevention is not 100 percent effective and, thus, if worse comes to worse, then defending themselves is the best and final recourse.